Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not allowed to wax my legs, help?

Okay, well I have very visible leg hair and I have caught numerous people staring at my legs. Once when I was in 7th grade, one of my friends told me to shave my legs. I wasn't too happy when she said that because it made me feel really self conscious. After that I asked my parents if I could wax my legs, their I tried asking them if I could try other ways to remove my leg hair but they still replied with a no, again. The reason being is because they think if I remove my leg hair it causes the legs to become weaker. I told them that mostly everyone I know either wax or shaves their legs and they think I'm lying just because they don't know anyone who does. I'm now in 10th grade and they still won't let me. I've told them how self conscious I feel about it but it’s the same answer "you don't have any hair on your legs (when I actually do), there fine." I tried asking my aunt to persuade my parents but she also said it’s bad for your legs. Any ideas how to persuade them?

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