Saturday, March 12, 2011

How do I ask out a girl at her job?

There is this girl in my home town that works at the local video store. Whenever I am visiting, I always pop in and rent a movie for my folks and see her working. She is always painting or drawing and listening to 'indie' folk music and drinking tea. She is also an alternative girl with long black hair with the side shaved and piercings and tattoos, not to mention very pretty. The problem is, I don't know how to strike up a conversation with her to ask her out. She is always chatting and joking around with the customers, but I never know what to say. I once overheard her on the phone planning to go out for drinks at a pub near by. Should I frequent that bar? Do I ask what music she likes? Help! this girl is not the typical female!

Best lotion for DRY SKIN!!!?

I live in a similar area and the weather and lack of humidity make my skin dry and itchy. Last year I found Alpha Keri bath oil. I don't use it as a bath oil, though, but apply it after a bath or shower-- especially at bedtime. It has a wonderfully subtle, relaxing scent. It's incredibly soothing and leaves your skin soft. I love it!

Evening Out Skin Tone: Ambi or Aveeno?

Okay so I would really like some help with deciding whether to use Ambi Creamy Oil Lotion or Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizing Lotion. Both are used to help even out skin tone which is what I REALLY need. I've been using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula for a couple years and I don't think it's working for me. It would be nice if you've tried both but I'm not being picky. Thanks for all the advice and help!

When will i get my period? ( girls only please)?

You seem really mature for your age, so my guess is that you'll get it soon. However everyone is different (:

Cure for Chapped Hands?

My mom's hands are always "raw" and "chapped." They are especially red around the knuckles. This "rawness" causes a burning of the hands. She has tried almost every product imaginable: Cetaphil, Cera Ve, Aquaphor, Vaseline, Aveeno lotion, Jergens lotion, Olive oil, Baby oil, Johnson & Johnson, etc. In addition, anything with fragrance will make her hands burn even more. Her dermatologist has gone as far as prescribing Tetrix, but that didn't work either. Does anyone have any idea on how to cure her "chapped hands?"

A Question About Hair Styling Products?

Go -----------------> & search

Is there such thing as severe blackhead problems?

im 17. i never wear makeup And i am covered in blackheads. from my nose to my cheeks to my neck to my shoulders, and chest to my entire back. i don't have much white heads. im hispanic, and i have giant pores. my sister has them to. and i don't think its puberty i went through that at age ten. i don't eat very healthy, and ive tried lots of things (proactive, clinique, neutrogena, aveeno, steam,even herbal soap for blackheads) and everrything seems to dry my skin out. to the point where it hurts to make facial expressions. dermatologists are expensive and most of them dont cover medical. what shoul i do?